

深圳易连汇通科技有限公司 (下文称为“ 易连汇通”) 用户仔细阅读并充分了解软件授权及服务协议 (本“协议”) 。用户应仔细阅读并充分了解本协议的条款,特别是有关豁免或有限责任、争议解决及适用法律之条款。请细阅以粗体标示的有关豁免或有限责任的条款。请仔细阅读并选择接受或不接受本协议 (未成年人在阅读本协议时应由其法定监护人陪同)。下载、安装及使用软件,以及获取及登入您的账户,即表示您同意接受本协议并受其条款约束。

易连汇通保留修改本协议的权利。本协议的条款如有更新,将于自发布日起生效。易连汇通修改本协议条款后,如果您不接受修改后的条款,请立即停止使用由易连汇通提供的“好身材”软件及服务; 用户继续使用易连汇通提供的“好身材”软件及服务将被视为接受本协议的修订条款。


1.1.本协议是您 (以下称为 “用户”) 与 易连汇通及其营运合作伙伴 (以下称为“合作伙伴”) 达成的关于用户下载、安装及使用 易连汇通软件“ 好身材” (以下称为“软件”) 及使用 易连汇通相关服务的协议。

1.2.软件及服务由 易连汇通提供,在 (包括但不限于) 移动智能终端装置上安装使用,用于同步由 易连汇通产品收集的数据信息 。

1.3.软件及服务的所有权及经营权应当归 易连汇通所有。


2.1. 易连汇通授予用户个人的不可转让及非专用的许可以使用软件,但用户没有再授权许可的权利。

2.2.用户可在单一移动终端装置上以非商业用途安装、使用、显示及执行软件。然而,用户不得安装、使用或执行软件进行商业营运。用户不得复制、更改或修改软件任何数据、或软件执行时发送到任何终端装置内存的任何数据,以及软件执行时在客户端及服务器之间产生的交互数据,或使用插件执行软件,或以任何形式建立任何衍生工作 (包括但不限于插件),或通过未经授权的第三方工具 /服务存取软件及相关系统。若您需要以商业目的销售、复制或分发软件,例如软件预安装及捆绑销售,则必须获得 易连汇通的书面授权及许可。

2.3.未经 易连汇通许可,用户不得将软件安装在 易连汇通未明确准许的其他终端装置上,包括但不限于机顶盒、游戏主机、电视、DVD 播放器等。


2.5.除非本协议明确授权,否则 易连汇通不向用户授予其他权利。如果用户打算使用任何其他权利,应提前取得 易连汇通的书面同意。


3.1.用户应从 易连汇通指定的网站或按其指定的方式下载并安装软件。请注意不要在非指定网站下载软件,以防止移动装置感染可能会破坏用户数据及获取用户私隐数据的恶意软件。如果您自未经 易连汇通授权的第三方获得与软件相同名称的软件或安装程序, 易连汇通不能保证其能正常使用,且 易连汇通概不对您因此造成的任何损失承担任何责任。


3.3.为改善用户体验及优化服务内容, 易连汇通保留提供软件的更换、修改及升级版本的权利,并保留对更换、修改或升级收费的权利,但此类收费会事先取得您的同意。软件默认为用户启用 “升级提示”功能。根据用户使用的软件版本, 易连汇通允许用户决定是否启用上述功能。在软件新版本发布后, 易连汇通不保证软件旧版本仍可继续使用。






4.1.4.使用软件从事对网络安全有害的任何行为,包括但不限于:使用未经授权的数据或存取未经授权的服务器/账户;未经授权存取公共网络或其他操作系统,并删除、修改或添加任何存储的数据;未经授权而企图侦测、扫描或测试软件系统或网络的弱点或进行其他破坏网络安全的行为;试图干扰或破坏软件系统或网站的正常运行,蓄意传播恶意软件或病毒,或执行破坏或干扰正常网络信息服务的其他行为;伪造TCP/IP 数据包的名称或部分名称;

4.1.5.用户通过并非由 易连汇通开发、授权或批准的第三方兼容软件或系统登入或使用软件及服务,或制作、发布或传播上述工具;

4.1.6.未经 易连汇通书面许可,用户对软件或其中包含的数据进行任何操作,包括但不限于使用、租赁、借出、复制、修改、建立连结、重制、编辑、发布、出版,建立镜像点或未经授权使用软件开发相关的衍生产品、作品、服务、插件、兼容或互连;




4.1.10.以任何非法的方式、针对任何非法目的或与本协议下的许可使用方式不一致的任何方式,使用 易连汇通提供的软件及其他服务;




(1) 破坏宪法所确定基本原则的任何内容;

(2) 危害国家安全、泄露国家秘密、颠覆国家政权、破坏国家统一的任何内容;

(3) 损害国家荣誉和利益的任何内容;

(4) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的任何内容;

(5) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教或封建迷信的任何内容;

(6) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,或破坏社会稳定的任何内容;

(7) 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或教唆犯罪的任何内容;

(8) 侮辱或诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权利及权益的任何内容;

(9) 煽动非法集会、结社、游行、示威或聚会破坏社会秩序的任何内容;

(10) 关于以非法非政府组织名义进行活动的任何内容;

(11) 含有法律、行政法规禁止的任何其他内容。发布、传输、传播或存储侵犯他人的名誉权、肖像权、知识产权及商业机密等合法权利的内容;捏造事实或隐瞒真相以误导或欺骗他人;发布、传输或传播广告数据或垃圾邮件;从事违反法律和法规、政策、公共秩序、社会道德等的其他行为。

4.2.3.未经 易连汇通许可,您不得在软件进行任何商业行为,例如广告、销售商品。


4.3.1. 易连汇通将判断用户是否涉嫌违反上述使用规范,并根据判断结果暂停或终止向您授予使用许可,或根据本协议采取其他限制措施;

4.3.2. 易连汇通将直接删除用户在使用许可软件时发布的任何涉嫌非法或侵犯他人合法权利或违反本协议的数据;

4.3.3.如果您违反上述使用规范而对第三方造成损害,您须以您自身名义独立承担责任,并使 易连汇通免受任何由此产生的损失或费用损害;

4.3.4.用户须就其违反有关法律或违反本协议而导致易连汇通产生或蒙受的任何及所有损失、第三方索赔、行政处罚、损害及/ 或费用 (包括合理的律师费、调查及证据收集费用 ) 提供弥偿,并使易连汇通免受损失。


5.1. 易连汇通高度重视对个人资料的保护工作。为提供软件功能并提升用户体验, 易连汇通将收集以下类型数据:

5.1.1.关于您的资料: 我们可能会收集和使用注册邮箱、头像、昵称、性别、时区、语言及地区数据。该数据将用于建立您的账户。

5.1.2.个人身体资料: 启动 好身材后,我们需要您提供生日、身高、体重、性别数据,以计算您的身体成分数据。

5.1.3.装置记录数据 : 当您使用 好身材同步装置数据时,我们会记录个人资料,包括但不限于体重、身体组成 (体脂百分比、肌肉重量、水分、基础代谢、内脏脂肪水平、骨质含量等)。

5.1.4.手机信息: 当您使用 好身材时,为确定是否支持您的手机,我们需要取得您的手机 操作系统版本及移动手机品牌型号。

5.1.5.网络使用数据: 我们可能会收集与 好身材特定功能相关的网络类型、网络 信号等。

5.1.6.调试信息: 当您选择上载调试信息协助我们分析问题时,您的调试信息将被传送至服务器。

5.2. 我们根据《隐私政策》收集、使用并保护您的数据。


用户必须购买互联网存取所需装置,以及通过移动终端装置使用电讯增值服务,并承担个人移动 终端装置连接互联网产生或第三方 (包括但不限于电讯与移动 通讯运营商) 收取的通讯费用、数据费用和相关开支。如需任何电讯增值服务,建议您与电讯增值服务 运营商确认费用。

6.2. 易连汇通或其合作伙伴均无需对用户因第三方原因(例如通讯网络故障、技术问题、网络或移动终端装置故障、系统失灵及其他各种不可抗力因素 ) 遭受的任何损失承担责任。

6.3. 此软件与多数其他互联网软件一样,或会受到部分因素影响,包括但不限于用户原因、网络服务质素、社会环境差异等,亦可能遭到与各种安全问题相关的困扰,例如他人使用用户数据,导致对现实生活造成滋扰; 用户下载或者安装的其他软件,或者用户浏览的其他网站带有“木马程序”及其他病毒,危及用户终端装置数据和数据安全,从而影响该软件的正常使用。用户应加强信息安全与用户数据保护意识,注意加强密码保护,以避免损失及滋扰。

6.4.当用户使用此软件,或要求 易连汇通提供特定服务时,软件可能呼叫第三方系统或软件以支持用户的使用或存取。使用或存取结果将由第三方提供。 易连汇通不保证 通过支持该系统或软件所取得结果的安全性、准确性及有效性,亦不保证任何其他不确定性风险;如果因此产生任何争议或损失, 易连汇通将不承担任何责任。

6.5. 易连汇通特别敬请客户注意,为保护本公司的业务发展及调整自治, 易连汇通有权随时变更或暂停服务,恕不进行通知且无需就此对用户或任何第三方承担任何责任。

6.6. 除法律法规明确规定者外,我们将尽力确保该软件和相关技术与信息安全、有效、准确及可靠;基于现有技术限制,用户理解 易连汇通无法担保。

6.7. 对于因下述原因导致或与其相关的利润损失、数据遗失、经营中断或其他商业损害,用户应就人身伤害、意外事故或后果性损失独家承担责任。相关情形包括但不限于: (1) 使用或者未能使用许可软件;(2) 第三方未经授权使用该软件,或修改用户数据; (3) 用户在使用该软件期间产生的费用和损失;(4) 用户误解该软件; (5) 并非 易连汇通原因导致之与该软件相关的其他损失。

6.8. 倘若因用户或其他软件用户通过 任何软件采取的行为,或因用户被误导或欺诈导致任何人身伤亡或财产损失,则过错方应承担由此引起的所有责任。


7.1. 易连汇通为此软件的知识产权持有人。版权、商标、专利、商业机密等与该软件相关的所有知识产权,以及与该软件相关的所有信息 (包括但不限于文字、图像、音频、视讯、图形、接口设计、配置、数据或电子文件等) 均受中华人民共和国法律及相应国际协议保护。 易连汇通拥有上述知识产权。

7.2.未经 易连汇通事先书面同意,用户不得出于任何商业或非商业目的,独立或允许任何第三方擅自使用或转让任何上述知识产权。 易连汇通保留就该等行为追究法律责任的权利。


8.1. 易连汇通保留不时全权酌情修订本协议条款之权利,任何该等已修订条款将及时公布于相关网页。若您不同意任何修订,您应主动取消相关服务。倘若您继续使用该服务,则视为您接受经修订的协议。

8.2. 易连汇通或合作伙伴保留不时全权酌情修改或变更所提供之付费服务、收费标准、收费模式、服务费用或服务条款的权利。在提供服务时, 易连汇通可能开始向用户收取目前或未来的某些费用。若用户拒绝支付该等费用,将无法在开始计费之后继续使用相关服务。 易连汇通及合作伙伴将尽其最大努力通过电邮或其他方式通知用户任何修正或调整。


9.1.本协议的有效性及其解释受中华人民共和国内地法律管辖。若不存在相关法律规定,则可参阅国际商业措施及/ 或一般商业措施。

9.2.用户和 易连汇通均同意,因该服务引起的所有争议均应首先通过双方磋商解决。若未能通过磋商解决争议,则任何一方均可向本协议签署地点所属地具司法管辖权的法院诉诸该争议。


10.1.对于该软件的任何特定服务,或存在独立协议及相关商业条款等 ( 以下合称“独立协议”),因此在使用这些特定服务前,请细阅并同意相关独立协议。





易連匯通科技 (下文稱為“ 易連匯通”) 敬請用戶仔細閱讀並充分瞭解軟件授權及服務協議 (本“協議”)。用戶應仔細閱讀並充分瞭解本協議的條款,特別是有關豁免或有限責任、爭議解決及適用法律之條款。請細閱以粗體標示的有關豁免或有限責任的條款。請仔細閱讀並選擇接受或不接受本協議 (未成年人在閱讀本協議時應由其法定監護人陪同)。下載、安裝及使用軟件,以及獲取及登入您的賬戶,即表示您同意接受本協議並受其條款約束。

易連匯通保留修改本協議的權利。本協議的條款如有更新,將於自發布日起生效。易連匯通修改本協 議條款後,如果您不接受修改後的條款,請立即停止使用由易連匯通提供的“好身材”軟件及服務; 用戶繼續使用易連匯通提供的“好身材”軟件及服務將被視為接受本協議的修訂條款。


1.1.本協議是您 (以下稱為 “用戶”) 與 易連匯通及其營運合作夥伴 (以下稱為“合作夥伴”) 達成的關於用戶下載、安裝及使用 易連匯通軟件“ 好身材” (以下稱為“軟件”) 及使用 易連匯通相關服務的協議。

1.2.軟件及服務由 易連匯通提供,在 ( 包括但不限於) 移動智能終端裝置上安裝使用,用於同步由 易連匯通產品收集的數據資訊 。

1.3.軟件及服務的所有權及經營權應當歸 易連匯通所有。


2.1. 易連匯通授予用戶個人的不可轉讓及非專用的許可以使用軟件,但用戶沒有再授權許可的權利。

2.2.用戶可在單壹移動終端裝置上以非商業用途安裝、使用、顯示及執行軟件。然而,用戶不得安裝、使用或執行軟件進行商業營運。用戶不得復制、更改或修改軟件任何數據、或軟件執行時發送到任何終端裝置內存的任何數據,以及軟件執行時在客戶端及服務器之間產生的交互數據,或使用插件執行軟件,或以任何形式建立任何衍生工作 (包括但不限於插件),或通過未經授權的第三方工具 /服務存取軟件及相關系統。若您需要以商業目的銷售、復制或分發軟件,例如軟件預安裝及捆綁銷售,則必須獲得 易連匯通的書面授權及許可。

2.3.未經 易連匯通許可,用戶不得將軟件安裝在 易連匯通未明確準許的其他終端裝置上,包括但不限於機頂盒、遊戲主機、電視、DVD 播放器等。


2.5.除非本協議明確授權,否則 易連匯通不向用戶授予其他權利。如果用戶打算使用任何其他權利,應提前取得 易連匯通的書面同意。


3.1.用戶應從 易連匯通指定的網站或按其指定的方式下載並安裝軟件。請註意不要在非指定網站下載軟件,以防止移動裝置感染可能會破壞用戶數據及獲取用戶私隱數據的惡意軟件。如果您自未經 易連匯通授權的第三方獲得與軟件相同名稱的軟件或安裝程式, 易連匯通不能保證其能正常使用,且 易連匯通概不對您因此造成的任何損失承擔任何責任。


3.3.為改善用戶體驗及優化服務內容, 易連匯通保留提供軟體的更換、修改及升級版本的權利,並保留對更換、修改或升級收費的權利,但此類收費會事先取得您的同意。軟體默認為用戶啟用 “升級提示”功能。根據用戶使用的軟體版本, 易連匯通允許用戶決定是否啟用上述功能。在軟體新版本發佈後, 易連匯通不保證軟體舊版本仍可繼續使用。






4.1.4.使用軟體從事對網路安全有害的任何行為,包括但不限於:使用未經授權的數據或存取未經授權的伺服器/帳戶;未經授權存取公共網路或其他操作系統,並刪除、修改或添加任何存儲的數據;未經授權而企圖偵測、掃描或測試軟體系統或網路的弱點或進行其他破壞網路安全的行為;試圖干擾或破壞軟體系統或網站的正常運行,蓄意傳播惡意軟體或病毒,或執行破壞或干擾正常網路資訊服務的其他行為;偽造TCP/IP 數據包的名稱或部分名稱;

4.1.5.用戶通過並非由 易連匯通開發、授權或批准的第三方相容軟體或系統登入或使用軟體及服務,或製作、發佈或傳播上述工具;

4.1.6.未經 易連匯通書面許可,用戶對軟體或其中包含的數據進行任何操作,包括但不限於使用、租賃、借出、複製、修改、建立連結、重制、編輯、發佈、出版,建立鏡像點或未經授權使用軟體開發相關的衍生產品、作品、服務、插件、相容或互連;




4.1.10.以任何非法的方式、針對任何非法目的或與本協議下的許可使用方式不一致的任何方式,使用 易連匯通提供的軟體及其他服務;




(1) 破壞憲法所確定基本原則的任何內容;

(2) 危害國家安全、洩露國家秘密、顛覆國家政權、破壞國家統一的任何內容;

(3) 損害國家榮譽和利益的任何內容;

(4) 煽動民族仇恨、民族歧視,破壞民族團結的任何內容;

(5) 破壞國家宗教政策,宣揚邪教或封建迷信的任何內容;

(6) 散佈謠言,擾亂社會秩序,或破壞社會穩定的任何內容;

(7) 散佈淫穢、色情、賭博、暴力、兇殺、恐怖或教唆犯罪的任何內容;

(8) 侮辱或誹謗他人,侵害他人合法權利及權益的任何內容;

(9) 煽動非法集會、結社、遊行、示威或聚會破壞社會秩序的任何內容;

(10) 關於以非法非政府組織名義進行活動的任何內容;

(11) 含有法律、行政法規禁止的任何其他內容。發佈、傳輸、傳播或存儲侵犯他人的名譽權、肖像權、知識產權及商業機密等合法權利的內容;捏造事實或隱瞞真相以誤導或欺騙他人;發佈、傳輸或傳播廣告數據或垃圾郵件;從事違反法律和法規、政策、公共秩序、社會道德等的其他行為。

4.2.3.未經 易連匯通許可,您不得在軟體進行任何商業行為,例如廣告、銷售商品。

4.3. 您明白並同意:

4.3.1. 易連匯通將判斷用戶是否涉嫌違反上述使用規範,並根據判斷結果暫停或終止向您授予使用許可,或根據本協議採取其他限制措施;

4.3.2. 易連匯通將直接刪除用戶在使用許可軟體時發佈的任何涉嫌非法或侵犯他人合法權利或違反本協議的數據;

4.3.3.如果您違反上述使用規範而對第三方造成損害,您須以您自身名義獨立承擔責任,並使 易連匯通免受任何由此產生的損失或費用損害;

4.3.4.用戶須就其違反有關法律或違反本協議而導致 易連匯通產生或蒙受的任何及所有損失、第三方索賠、行政處罰、損害及/ 或費用 (包括合理的律師費、調查及證據收集費用 ) 提供彌償,並使 易連匯通免受損失。

5. 私隱政策與個人資料保護

5.1. 易連匯通高度重視對個人資料的保護工作。為提供軟體功能並提升用戶體驗, 易連匯通將收集以下類型數據:

5.1.1.關於您的資料: 我們可能會收集和使用註冊郵箱、頭像、昵稱、性別、時區、語言及地區數據。該數據將用於建立您的帳戶。

5.1.2.個人身體資料: 啟動 好身材後,我們需要您提供生日、身高、體重、性別數據,以計算您的身體成分數據。

5.1.3.裝置記錄數據 : 當您使用 好身材同步裝置數據時,我們會記錄個人資料,包括但不限於體重、身體組成 (體脂百分比、肌肉重量、水分、基礎代謝、內臟脂肪水準、骨質含量等)。

5.1.4.手機資訊: 當您使用 好身材時,為確定是否支持您的手機,我們需要取得您的手機 操作系統版本及移動手機品牌型號。

5.1.5.網路使用數據: 我們可能會收集與 好身材特定功能相關的網路類型、網路 信號等。

5.1.6.調試資訊: 當您選擇上載調試資訊協助我們分析問題時,您的調試資訊將被傳送至伺服器。

5.2. 我們根據《隱私政策》收集、使用並保護您的數據。

6. 服務風險與免責聲明

6.1. 用戶必須購買互聯網存取所需裝置,以及通過移動終端裝置使用電訊增值服務,並承擔個人移動 終端裝置連接互聯網產生或第三方 (包括但不限於電訊與移動 通訊運營商) 收取的通訊費用、數據費用和相關開支。如需任何電訊增值服務,建議您與電訊增值服務 運營商確認費用。

6.2. 易連匯通或其合作夥伴均無需對用戶因第三方原因(例如通訊網絡故障、技術問題、網路或移動終端裝置故障、系統失靈及其他各種不可抗力因素 ) 遭受的任何損失承擔責任。

6.3. 此軟體與多數其他互聯網軟體一樣,或會受到部分因素影響,包括但不限於用戶原因、網路服務質素、社會環境差異等,亦可能遭到與各種安全問題相關的困擾,例如他人使用用戶數據,導致對現實生活造成滋擾; 用戶下載或者安裝的其他軟體,或者用戶流覽的其他網站帶有“木馬程式”及其他病毒,危及用戶終端裝置數據和數據安全,從而影響該軟體的正常使用。用戶應加強資訊安全與用戶數據保護意識,注意加強密碼保護,以避免損失及滋擾。

6.4. 當用戶使用此軟體,或要求 易連匯通提供特定服務時,軟體可能呼叫第三方系統或軟體以支持用戶的使用或存取。使用或存取結果將由第三方提供。 易連匯通不保證 通過支持該系統或軟體所取得結果的安全性、準確性及有效性,亦不保證任何其他不確定性風險;如果因此產生任何爭議或損失, 易連匯通將不承擔任何責任。

6.5. 易連匯通特別敬請客戶注意,為保護本公司的業務發展及調整自治, 易連匯通有權隨時變更或暫停服務,恕不進行通知且無需就此對用戶或任何第三方承擔任何責任。

6.6. 除法律法規明確規定者外,我們將盡力確保該軟體和相關技術與資訊安全、有效、準確及可靠;基於現有技術限制,用戶理解 易連匯通無法擔保。

6.7. 對於因下述原因導致或與其相關的利潤損失、數據遺失、經營中斷或其他商業損害,用戶應就人身傷害、意外事故或後果性損失獨家承擔責任。相關情形包括但不限於: (1) 使用或者未能使用許可軟體;(2) 第三方未經授權使用該軟體,或修改用戶數據; (3) 用戶在使用該軟體期間產生的費用和損失;(4) 用戶誤解該軟體; (5) 並非 易連匯通原因導致之與該軟體相關的其他損失。

6.8. 倘若因用戶或其他軟體用戶通過 任何軟體採取的行為,或因用戶被誤導或欺詐導致任何人身傷亡或財產損失,則過錯方應承擔由此引起的所有責任。


7.1.. 易連匯通為此軟體的知識產權持有人。版權、商標、專利、商業機密等與該軟體相關的所有知識產權,以及與該軟體相關的所有資訊 (包括但不限於文字、圖像、音頻、視訊、圖形、介面設計、配置、數據或電子檔等) 均受中華人民共和國法律及相應國際協議保護。 易連匯通擁有上述知識產權。

7.2.未經 易連匯通事先書面同意,用戶不得出於任何商業或非商業目的,獨立或允許任何第三方擅自使用或轉讓任何上述知識產權。 易連匯通保留就該等行為追究法律責任的權利。

8. 修訂

8.1. 易連匯通保留不時全權酌情修訂本協議條款之權利,任何該等已修訂條款將及時公佈於相關網頁。若您不同意任何修訂,您應主動取消相關服務。倘若您繼續使用該服務,則視為您接受經修訂的協議。

8.2. 易連匯通或合作夥伴保留不時全權酌情修改或變更所提供之付費服務、收費標準、收費模式、服務費用或服務條款的權利。在提供服務時, 易連匯通可能開始向用戶收取目前或未來的某些費用。若用戶拒絕支付該等費用,將無法在開始計費之後繼續使用相關服務。 易連匯通及合作夥伴將盡其最大努力通過電郵或其他方式通知用戶任何修正或調整。

9. 適用法律與爭議解決

9.1. 本協議的有效性及其解釋受中華人民共和國內地法律管轄。若不存在相關法律規定,則可參閱國際商業措施及/ 或一般商業措施。

9.2. 用戶和 易連匯通均同意,因該服務引起的所有爭議均應首先通過雙方磋商解決。若未能通過磋商解決爭議,則任何一方均可向本協議簽署地點所屬地具司法管轄權的法院訴諸該爭議。

10. 其他事項

10.1. 對於該軟體的任何特定服務,或存在獨立協議及相關商業條款等 ( 以下合稱“獨立協議”),因此在使用這些特定服務前,請細閱並同意相關獨立協議。

10.2. 本協議所有條款標題僅為方便參考而設,在解釋本協議時應予以忽略。

10.3. 若本協議任何條款無效或因任何原因變得無效或不可強制執行,則本協議其他條款依然具完全效力,並對本協議雙方具有約束力。

Software License and Service Agreement

[Important Notice]

AiCare (hereinafter referred to as AiCare) hereby reminds the user to carefully read and fully understand the Software License and Service Agreement (this "Agreement"). The user shall carefully read and fully understand the terms of this Agreement, in particular those relating to the exemption or limitation of AiCare's liability, dispute resolution and applicable laws. Your attention is drawn to the terms relating to the exemption or limitation of liability, which have been marked in bold. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not accept this Agreement (a minor should be accompanied by his/her legal guardian while reading this Agreement). By downloading, installing and using the software, as well as obtaining and logging in your account, you agree to accept this Agreement and to be fully bound by its terms.

AiCare reserves the right to amend this Agreement. Updated and become effective from the date of publication. The user can re-download and install the software or view the latest version of the terms of this Agreement on the website. After AiCare has amended the terms of this Agreement, if you do not accept the amended terms, please immediately discontinue using of the "Aifit" software and services provided by AiCare; the user's continued use of the "Aifit" software and services provided by AiCare will be deemed acceptance of the amended terms of this Agreement.

1.General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement is the agreement concluded by and between you (hereinafter referred to as the "User") and AiCare and its operation partner (hereinafter referred to as the "Partner") concerning the User's downloading, installation and use of the " Aifit" software (hereinafter referred to as the "Software") of AiCare and use of relevant services of AiCare.

1.2. The Software and services are provided by AiCare for installation on (including but not limited to) mobile smart terminal devices, used to synchronize dat a collected by AiCare's products and information.

1.3. The ownership and right-to-operate of the Software and services shall be vested in AiCare.

2.Scope of Software Licensing

2.1. AiCare grants the User a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the Software without the right to sublicense.

2.2. The User can install, use, display and run the Software on a single mobile terminal device for non-commercial purposes. However, the User shall not install, use or run the Software for commercial operation purposes. The User shall not copy, alter or modify any data of the Software, or any data released to the memory of any terminal device during the running of the Software and the interactive data generated between the client and the server during the running of the Software, or run the Software with plug-ins, or create any derivative work in any form, including but not limited to plug-ins, access to the Software and related systems through unauthorized third-party tools/services. If you need to sell, copy or distribute the Software commercially, e.g. software pre-installation and bundling, you must obtain the written authorization and license from AiCare.

2.3. Without the permission of AiCare, the User shall not install the Software on other terminal devices that are not expressly permitted by AiCare, including but not limited to set-top box

3.Software Acquisition, Installation and Upgrading

3.1.The User shall download and install the Software from the website or in the manner designated by AiCare. Be aware not to download the Software on unspecified websites, so as to prevent mobile devices from infecting malicious programs that can destroy user data and acquire user privacy information. If you acquire the Software or the installation program with the same name as the Software from a third party that has not been authorized by AiCare, AiCare cannot guarantee it will be used normally and AiCare accepts no liability for any loss thereby caused to you.

3.2.2. The User must select the Software version that matches the terminal device installed. Otherwise, any software problems, device problems or damages resulting from mismatch between the Software version and the device model shall be solely assumed by the User.

3.3. In order to improve User experience and optimize service content, AiCare reserves the right to provide replaced, modified and upgraded version of the Software, and also reserves the right to charge for such replacement, modification or upgrading, but will obtain your consent in advance for such charges. The Software will enable "upgrade prompt" feature by default for the User. Depending on the Software version used by the User, AiCare provides the User with the discretion to or not to enable the said feature. After the new version of the Software is released, AiCare does not guarantee that older versions of the Software will continue to be usable.

4.Usage Specifications

4.1.The User may use the Software and services in accordance with this Agreement and laws. The User shall not commit the following acts:

4.1.1.Delete any copyright information on the Software and other copies, or modify, delete or circumvent the technical measures set by the Software for the protection of intellectual property rights;

4.1.2.Perform reverse engineering of the Software, such as disassembly, decompilation or other attempts to obtain the source code of the Software;

4.1.3.Add, remove or change the features or running effects of the Software by modifying or forging the instructions and data during the running of the Software, or otherwise operate or disseminate to the public the software or methods used for the purposes described above, whether or not for commercial purposes;

4.1.4.Use the Software to commit any acts detrimental to network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or access to unauthorized servers/accounts; unauthorized access to public networks or the operating system of others and delete, modify or add any information stored; unauthorized attempts to detect, scan or test the Software system or network weaknesses or do other things that destruct network security; attempt to interfere with or destruct the normal operation of the Software system or website, deliberately spread malicious programs or viruses, or carry out other acts that destruct or interfere with normal network information services; forge the name or partial names of TCP/IP data packet;

4.1.5.The User logs in or uses the Software and services through third party compatible software or systems not developed, authorized or approved by AiCare , or makes, publishes or disseminates the above tools;

4.1.6.Without the written consent of AiCare, the User does anything on the Software or the information contained therein, including but not limited to using, leasing, lending, copying, modifying, setting up a link, reproducing, compiling, releasing, publishing, establishing a mirror image website, or unauthorized use of the Software to develop related derivative products, works, services, plug-ins, compatibility or interconnection;

4.1.7.Use the Software to publish, transmit, disseminate or store any content that violates national laws, endangers national security, reunification of the motherland, social stability or public order, or any improper, insulting, obscene or violent content, or any content in violation of national laws and regulations;

4.1.8.Use the Software to publish, transmit, disseminate or store any content that infringes the legitimate rights such as intellectual property rights and trade secrets of others;

4.1.9.Use the Software to publish, transmit or disseminate advertising information or spam in bulk;

4.1.10.Use the Software and other services provided by AiCare, in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose or in any manner inconsistent with the licensed usage under this Agreement;

4.2. Information Publication Specifications

4.2.1.While using the Software, you are required to comply with the requirements of "Seven Bottom-Lines", i.e., the laws and regulations, the socialist system, the national interests, the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, the social public order, the moral fashion and the authenticity of information.

4.2.2.You shall not use the Software to commit the following acts, including but not limited to: Produce, reproduce, publish, disseminate or store any of the following contents that violate national laws and regulations:

(1) any content that is against the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) any content endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power or undermining national unity;

(3) any content with prejudice to state honor and interest;

(4) any content that incites national hatred or ethnic discrimination, or destructs national unity;

(5) any content that undermines the national religious policy or disseminate cults or feudal superstition;

(6) any content that disseminates rumors, disturbs the social order or undermines social stability;

(7) any content that disseminates obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder or terror or instigates crimes;

(8) any content that insults or slanders others, or infringes the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(9) any content that incites illegal assembly, association, procession, demonstrations or gatherings to disrupt social order;

(10) any content about activities carried out in the name of illegal non-governmental organizations;

(11) any other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations., transmit, disseminate or store any content that infringes the legitimate rights such as reputation right, portrait right, intellectual property rights and trade secrets of others; up the fact or conceal the truth to mislead or deceive others;, transmit or disseminate advertising information or spam; in other acts that violate laws and regulations, policies, public order, social morality and so on.

4.2.3.Without the permission of AiCare, you shall not carry out any commercial conduct in the Software, such as advertising, selling merchandise.

4.3. You understand and agree that:

4.3.1. AiCare will determine whether the User is suspected of violating the above-mentioned usage specifications and, based on the result of such determination, suspend or terminate the use license granted to you or take other restrictive measures that may be taken in accordance with this Agreement;

4.3.2. AiCare will directly delete any information suspected of being unlawful or infringing the legitimate rights of others or violating this Agreement, which is published by the User during use of the licensed Software;

4.3.3.If you violate the above-mentioned usage specifications and thus cause damages to third parties, you need to assume the liability in your own name independently and to hold AiCare harmless from and against any loss or expense arising therefrom;

4.3.4.The User shall indemnify and hold harmless AiCare from and against any and all losses, third-party claims, administrative penalties, damages and/or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, investigation and evidence collection costs, incurred or suffered by AiCare resulting from the User's violation of relevant laws or breach of this Agreement.

5. Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection

5.1. It is important for AiCare to protect your personal data. In order to provide the Software features and improve User experience, AiCare will collect the following types of data:

5.1.1.Information about you: We may collect and use features such as email accounts, avatars, nicknames, gender , time zones, languages, and regions. This information will be used to setting up your Account.

5.1.2.Personal Body Information: When you activate Aifit, we need you to provide birthdays, height, weight, gender, to accurate calculate weight results.

5.1.3.Device Record information : When you use Aifit to synchronize device data, personal data is recorded, including but not limited to: activity information, weight, body composition(Body fat percentage, muscle mass, moisture content, basal metabolism, visceral fat level, bone mass content etc.).

5.1.4.Caller information: When you use the call, SMS reminder function, you will get your phone calls, SMS status, and in the case of your permission to obtain contact information for incoming calls, receive text messages on the device to display the information, but the Aifit will not to save your contacts and other related information.

5.1.5.Phone Info: When you use the Aifit, in order to determine whether the phone is supported, we need to get your phone operating system and version of the mobile phone brand model.

5.1.6.Debug log information: We will not collect your debug log information unless when you choose to upload debug logs to help us analyze the problem, your application debug log file will be sent to the server.

We may also collect other types of information which are not linked to an individual and which is anonymous. For example, using behaviours and information about the problem may be collected when you agree to enter into User Experience Program . Such information is collected in order to improve the services we provide to you,and we will only keep it for one year .

5.2. We collect, use and protect your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

6. Service Risk and Disclaimer

6.1. The User must procure the device required for Internet access and the usage of telecom value-added services by the mobile terminal device, and bear the communication fees, information fees and related costs incurred by Internet access of personal mobile terminal device or charged by third parties (including but not limited to telecommunications and mobile communication providers). If any telecom value-added services are needed, you are advised to confirm the costs with your telecom value-added service provider.

6.2. Neither AiCare nor its Partner is liable for any loss suffered by the User due to reasons attributable to third parties such as communication line failure, technical problem, network or mobile terminal device failure, system instability and other various force majeure factors.

6.3. The Software, like most other Internet software, may be affected by factors including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment differences, etc., and may also be subject to the harassment relating to various security problems, such as the usage of data of the User by others, resulting in harassment in real life; other software downloaded and installed by the User or other websites visited by the User contain "Trojan horse" and other viruses, threatening the security of the User's terminal device information and data, and then affecting the normal use of the Software. The User shall enhance the awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthening password protection, so as to avoid loss and harassment.

6.4. When the User uses the Software or requests AiCare to provide specific services, the Software may call a third party system or software to support the User's use or access. The results of the use or access will be provided by the third party. AiCare does not guarantee the safety, accuracy and effectiveness of the results achieved through the support of the said system or software, nor does AiCare assume any other uncertain risks; if any dispute or damage is caused thereof, AiCare will not assume any liability.

6.5. AiCare specifically draws the User's attention to that, in order to protect the company's business development and adjustment autonomy, AiCare has the right to modify or suspend the services at any time without notice to the User and without any liability to the User or any third party.

.6. Except as expressly provided in laws and regulations, we will do our utmost to ensure that the Software and the technology and information involved are safe, effective, accurate and reliable; however, subject to the existing technology, the User understands that AiCare cannot guarantee it.

6.7. The User shall be solely liable for any personal injuries or incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of data, business interruption or other commercial damages arising out of or in connection with: (1) the use or failure to use the licensed Software; (2) unauthorized use of the Software or modification of the User's data by a third party; (3) costs and losses incurred by the User during use of the Software; (4) misunderstanding by the User of the Software; (5) other losses in connection with the Software for reasons not attributable to AiCare.

6.8. In the event of any personal or economic damages or losses that have been or may be caused due to the conduct performed by the User and other software users through any software, or due to the User's being misled or deceived, the faulting party shall assume all liabilities arising thereof.

7. Statement on Intellectual Property Rights

7.1. AiCare is the intellectual property right holder of the Software. All intellectual property rights such as copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, etc. relating to the Software, and all information related to the Software (including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video, graphics, interface design, layout, data or electronic documents, etc.) are protected by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and corresponding international treaties. AiCare enjoys the above intellectual property rights.

7.2.Without the prior written consent of AiCare , the User shall not independently use or transfer any of the above intellectual property rights for any commercial or non-commercial purposes, or permit any third party to do so. AiCare reserves the right to pursue legal liability for such acts.

8. Amendment

8.1. AiCare reserves the right to amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time at its sole discretion, and any such amended terms will be timely published on relevant web pages. If you do not agree to any amendment, you shall take the initiative to cancel the services. If you continue to use the services, it shall be deemed your acceptance of the amended Agreement.

8.2. AiCare or the Partner reserves the right from time to time and at its sole discretion to modify or change the paid services provided, the charging criteria, charging mode, service charges or service terms. In providing the services, AiCare may start to charge some users for certain fees now or in the future. If the User refuses to pay such fees, the User will not be able to continue using relevant services after the charging starts. AiCare and the Partner will do their utmost to notify the User of any amendments or changes by email or otherwise.

9. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

9.1. The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People's Republic of China. In the absence of relevant legal provisions, reference may be made to international business practices and/or business practices.

9.2. Both the User and AiCare agree that any dispute arising from the services shall first be settled through consultations by the Parties. If no settlement can be reached through such consultations, either Party may submit the dispute to the court of competent jurisdiction over the place where this Agreement is signed.


10.1.For any specific service of the Software, there may be a separate agreement and related business rules, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "separate agreement"), so please read and agree to relevant separate agreement before using such specific service.

10.2.The headings to all the terms of this Agreement are for ease of reference only and shall be ignored in interpreting this Agreement.

10.3.If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid or unenforceable for whatever reasons, the remaining provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and binding upon both Parties hereto.